About architecture: Architecture and Art

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008 


Architecture and Art

At the moment the growth in the world to architect very fast and publishers, from the style of normal architecture -normally then to the style of so complex architecture. In the topic this time I tried to promote the topic "whether the architecture had his relations with art possibly some people believed that the architecture did not have his relations with art, but was also that Believed that the architecture was very tight his relations with art." In the royal time beforehand someone who it was considered could design a building was the person - the person who had added value in the world art.
but at the moment was far different, everyone could design a building provided that he could draw good that in a manual manner or by using available technological facilities.
So with few facts above could be attracted by the conclusion from two opinions on both of them same -equally true, but that too was based on few facts that were promoted by me.
To more deepened knowledge architect in this case, better him studied With direct in the environment around the fellow architecture possibly you will understand would the connection between"architecture and art"


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  • I'm yudi andriyanto
  • From Manggar - Belitung, BABEL, Indonesia
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